Slovak association for passive fire protection
Fire protection discussion forum
What we want and what we do?
SAPFP aims at reaching its goals utilising the following tools and actions:
- Representation of interests of fire protection component producers and installers in order to reach and maintain a high level of systems quality and operability;
- Promotion of best practices in fire safety building design and fire safety engineering;
- Promotion of European principles of voluntariness, transparency, and independence of technical standardisation;
- Contribution to legislation and normative documents in the field of the association competence;
- Support to surveillance authorities in the areas of fire protection and construction products;
- Informing professional public and education support;
- Fire safety science, research, and development.
The SAPFP main mission is correct function of fire protection systems in buildings and industry, and improving the level of fire safety in Slovak Republic as well as intrenational cooperation in this field.